Privacy Policy


We recognize the importance of handing private information, and strictly abide by privacy laws.
In addition, we have established a personal information protection management system to employ the following policies. We are constantly aware of the latest trends in IT technology, changes in social demands, changes in the business environment, etc., and are working to continuously improve them. We hereby declare that all of our employees will abide by the following.

  1. The Company appropriately acquires, uses, and provides personal information handled in contract development, creative, drone R&D, and Internet advertising businesses, as well as in the employment of our staff. We will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose.
  2. We comply with laws, regulations, guidelines, and other standards set by the government regarding the handling of personal information.
  3. We will place management resources in line to prevent the risk of personal information leaks, loss, damage, etc. by taking reasonable security measures, and continuously maintaining and improving a personal information security system. In the event of an emergency, corrective measures will be taken promptly.
  4. We will respond promptly and honestly to complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.
  5. The personal information protection management system will be reviewed in a timely and appropriate manner, based on the changes and circumstances of the environment surrounding the company, and will continue to improve.    CEO Show Higasa

【Personal information, and policies inquires contact】

〒532-0011  4-11-21-503 Nishinakajima Minamikata, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka
Personal Information Manager Tomoko Yoshimura

Purpose of using Personal Information uses personal information for the following purposes.

  1. Personal information of inquiries regarding our business is used to respond to inquiries
  2. Customer's personal information is used to guide, and provide products and services in various businesses.
  3. Applicant information directly from our company, or from HelloWork or private job placement sites, is used for recruitment.
  4. Personal information of our employees is used for personnel management, business, health, and security management
  5. To provide the business partner's personnel information to the client for confirmation of skills

Disclosure of personal information will provide data about the individual who makes the request.

1.Personal Information Manager’s name and contact information

  1. Admin :Personal Information Manager Tomoko Yoshimura
  2. Address :〒532-0011  4-11-21-503 Nishinakajima Minamikata, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka
  3. Contact :TEL:06-6151-5901

2.Usage of Personal Information

  1. Personal information of those who make inquiries is used to answer those inquiries.
  2. Personal information of those who apply is used in the recruiting process.
  3. Personal information of our clients is used in order to fulfill their work requests, and for maintenance after it is fulfilled.
  4. Personal information of our employees is used for personnel management, business, health, and security management

3.Inquiries of held personal information data

For an inquiry about the data we are holding, please contact the person below.

  1. Admin :Personal Information Manager Tomoko Yoshimura
  2. Address :〒532-0011  4-11-21-503 Nishinakajima Minamikata, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka
  3. Contact :TEL:06-6151-5901

4.Is enrolled in a certified personal information protection organization?

We are not enrolled in any certified personal information protection organizations.

Procedure to have information disclosed

For held personal data, you can request “notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of contents, suspension of use,and suspension of provision to third parties”. We will respond to requests for disclosure of personal information, etc. by the following procedure.

1.Acceptance of requests for disclosure

  1. Please contact the following address. We will send you the predetermined form by mail. After it arrives, please agree to our Handling of Personal Information by mail or bring it to the following address.

    1. Admin :Personal Information Manager Tomoko Yoshimura
    2. Address :〒532-0011  4-11-21-503 Nishinakajima Minamikata, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka
    3. Contact :TEL:06-6151-5901
  2. For identification, please mail or bring one of the following documents together with the predetermined form from step (1).

    1. A copy of a driver's license, passport, etc. that can be used to identify the person (the name and address of the person requesting disclosure are listed)
    2. A copy of address registry (created within 30 days before requesting disclosure)

  3. In the case where the agent performs the procedure, in addition to (1) predetermined form and (2) identity confirmation document, please mail or bring one of the following a) or b).

    1. a) Identification documents for the agent
      1. A copy of a document that certifies the agent, a photo of the agent's driver's license, passport, etc. that can be identified as the agent (the name and address of the agent requesting disclosure etc. are listed)
      2. A copy of address registry for the agent (created within 30 days before requesting disclosure)
      3. If the attorney is a lawyer, a document that shows the registration number b)Document proving the power of attorney

2.Fee for Request for Disclosure and the method of collecting it

In the case of a request for notification or disclosure of the purpose of use, the following amount (which includes the return shipping fee) will be charged for each request. Please enclose the money order for the following amount when mailing billing documents.

  1. Processing Fee: 1,000 yen

3.Results Notification

We will inform you of the results in the following manner.

  1. In the case of disclosure or purpose of use notification, we will either return by mail or by hand.
  2. In the case of correction, deletion, or termination request, we will contact you by phone or by email.

It will be addressed to the person or agent who made the deletion request.

  1. The address can be omitted it if is clearly the same as the requester or agent.
  2. We reserve the right to hold onto the identification documents for two months after receiving them before destroying them.

【Handling of person information】

(When obtaining directly from the Web) handles the personal information received directly from the individual as follows.

1.Personal Information Manager contact information

  1. Admin :Personal Information Manager Tomoko Yoshimura
  2. Address :〒532-0011  4-11-21-503 Nishinakajima Minamikata, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka
  3. Contact :TEL:06-6151-5901

2.Purpose of handling personal information

  1. The information is used to answer the inquiry of the individual.

3.Contracting of handling personal information

  1. 3.Contracting of handling personal information

4. Sharing of personal information to third parties

  1. We do not share personal information with third parties other than when required by law.

5.Request for disclosure of personal information

Inquiries regarding disclosure of your personal information (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction / addition / deletion of content, suspension of use, suspension of provision to third parties), we will confirm your identity and respond within a reasonable period of time. For more information on disclosure requests, please contact the “Personal Information Contact” below.

6.Regarding voluntary provision of personal information

Whether you provide us with personal information is at your discretion. However, if you do not provide the necessary items, we may not be able to provide each service in an appropriate state.

7.Information that is obtained mechanically when you access this website

In order to ensure the security of the Web site you visit and to improve user services, we may obtain information about the person who visited by using cookies.

【Personal Information Contact】

Admin :Personal Information Manager Tomoko Yoshimura
Address :〒532-0011 4-11-21-503 Nishinakajima Minamikata,Yodogawa-ku, Osaka
Contact :TEL:06-6151-5901

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